Business Plan or Business Model: What’s the Difference?
I often hear entrepreneurs say, “I don’t have time to write a business plan.” Sometimes they even trot out the words of business experts...

Crowdfunding: Is It Right for Your Company?
I recently attended a town hall meeting featuring Scott Case of StartUp America entitled “The Impact of the JOBS Act on Michigan...

New JOBS Act brings Crowdfunding to Start-up Companies
With President Obama signing the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act on April 5, the word “crowdfunding” is getting a lot of...

LLC vs L3C
I am frequently asked if the new business organization called a Low-Profit Limited Liability Corporation (L3C) is a suitable structure...

Required Reading List for Entrepreneurs
I work with entrepreneurs every day. Over the last ten years I have coached, mentored, and counseled hundreds of entrepreneurs, from a...